Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Giving meaning to the surrounding world

S. Moscovici notes that the act of communication is inseparable from social representations, "...the term "submission" shall be designed for a "special category of knowledge and beliefs that emerge in everyday communication, whose structure corresponds to this form of communication" (Moscovici, 1984a, p.952). It is through communication that knowledge is transformed, and there are social representations.

D. Adele also notes the communication of ideas and communications, stressing that "social representations are modalities of practical thinking, focused on communication, understanding and mastery of the social, material and ideal environment" (Jodelet, 1984, p.361).

Thus, the presentation contributes to our understanding of events, phenomena and objects, giving meaning to the surrounding world, to build a common, shared, social reality (Jodelet, 1989).

This form of "naive" and "natural", everyday knowledge, in contrast to scientific knowledge, based on our experience, different information and knowledge transmitted through tradition and social communication (Jodelet, 1989). Moreover, the media perform the role of mediator between the world of scientific and ordinary knowledge.

As noted by S. Moscovici, all systems of classification, the images and descriptions, even scientific, are associated with previous systems and images of knowledge, through language and social memory (Moscovici, 1984b).

1 comment:

  1. The exchange of feelings, experiences, associations, and judgments about these feelings, experiences and judgments, etc. and is the process that aims to engender the deepening, expansion, improvement, elevation and enrichment of individuals participating in the training. This applies primarily to the so-called contents of consciousness. Gruppovincenti training does not focus on States of consciousness, although in the techniques of work of the leader ("coach") you can easily discover special techniques that contribute to how the increase of tension in the classroom and contribute to defusing tensions.
