Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Man - Machine

To continue touring the upper floors of the philosophical Museum, we decided to use the Elevator. But, Oh, the horror! Instead of having to pick tourists up the Elevator began to fall. "Don't worry," said the Elevator operator: "Our Elevator is not easy and not dangerous. It was invented by albert Einstein and Leopold Infeld for a more understandable explanation of relativity. When You recover from the fright, I can certainly tell You about it."
But as the Elevator slowed dramatically. And we were in the Museum basement. It does not matter. Here is a Museum of curiosities, in which, too, there's something to see. In her collected philosophical model of man, abstract people created by the imagination of philosophers of various times and peoples. One abstract person with a huge head and small legs, all playing some kind of children's toy, and the third laughs.
In the philosophical Kunstkammer, a Museum of wax figures of Madame Tussauds, set to true. and homo sapiens, and homo habelis, homo erectus. And other homo...
But in the costume of the eighteenth century is ordinary fat, which can be found on the street or in a cafe. However, next to him a sign - "Man - machine".
It is not very similar to the car!
However, so called his treatise on the person of the great French philosopher and physician Julien Ophrah of La mettrie.
     "Yes as he dared to call a man machine!!" said contemporaries.
"The sage cannot limit the study of nature and truth. He must dare to speak the truth in the interests of a small coterie of persons who are willing and able to think. For the rest, the majority are the slaves of prejudice and it is equally impossible to understand the truth of how frogs learn to fly," cheerfully answered them of La mettrie.
Then the enemies called great philosopher, "Mr. Machine".
Well, who better than Mr Car is better to know how it works and why it is a machine, and not the crown of creation of God...

     Take a look at the weary soldier - he's snoring in the trenches under the roar of hundreds of guns, his soul hears nothing. Beside him the bomb bursts, but he hears her, maybe even less, than crawling under his legs insect.
     On the other hand, people in front of us, devoured by jealousy, hatred, avarice or vanity; he nowhere can find rest. The calm, refreshing and soothing drinks - everything is useless to someone whose heart burns with passion. To sleep he can't.
     Therefore, the soul and the body fall asleep at the same time!!!

And then of La mettrie makes the conclusion, which has caused confusion among his contemporaries:

     the Human body is the winding machine itself, a living embodiment of continuous motion. Without food for the body soul of this machine is weak, falls into a frenzy and finally, exhausted, dies.
     How great is the power of food! She brings joy to the saddened heart; this joy penetrates the soul of the interlocutors, expressing her cheerful songs, in which a special master French.

Only phlegmatic and melancholic are invariably depressed, but the men of science are little inclined to fun - making fun of philosophers and scientists of La mettrie.
Sitting at the dinner table over a bottle of good wine Mr machine never ceases to...

     Raw meat develops animal ferocity. How true this is, you can tell by the fact that the English nation that eats meat is not as done as we, the French, but undercooked and bloody, apparently, differs to a greater or lesser degree of cruelty, arising from food.
     Of course, along with this there are other reasons, but they can be paralyzed through education.
     Or here's another example. In Switzerland I knew a judge. On an empty stomach it was the most fair and even the most indulgent judge; but Woe to the unfortunate who found themselves on the dock after a hearty lunch judge: fed arbiter of justice was able to hang the innocent man.
     One of the people the mind is heavy and clumsy, and at others lively, mobile and insightful. This may be explained partly by the difference in food.

You can imagine what the laughter was at the table. Not with the gift of La mettrie loved sat at the table the king of France. The findings of the jokes of La mettrie quite serious - we think and are generally decent people only when happy and cheerful. It all depends on how wound up our car.
The human machine depends on the age of the car, the weather, the desires and passions, etc.
However, reading of La mettrie, one may think sometimes that the soul has seat in the stomach.
Our great court physician a medical is very true comments. For example, one trifle in the body, one issue that is invisible even when anatomical dissection could turn geniuses, for example, Erasmus or Fontenele how smart they were in perfect idiots.
However, it turns out that man-machine, like animals amenable to taming, that is education.

     True philosophers will agree with me that the transition from animals to humans is not very sharp. It differs, for example, from monkeys and other animals, than the monkey differs from other animal and still - face, indicating greater comprehension.
     Teach a monkey to speak - then you will not be wild, and defective, but a real man, a kind little Parisian, having, like us, all you need to think and benefit from their education.
     The person trained as well as trained animals. Become a writer as well as a porter!!!

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